Charlotte Family law attorney

Help from a family law attorney

Charlotte Family law attorney - Charlotte, NC
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Charlotte family law attorneys are ready to help you trough legal issues that affect your family such as a divorce, dissolving a civil union, child/adult custody, or seeking benefits from a domestic partnership. It is important that you choose a Charlotte Family law attorney who is an expert in family law. Family law attorneys can fill the role of a mediator, advisor, and legal representative when it comes to fighting for custody of your children, getting back-owed child support, and negotiating for you on cases of spousal support. Consider the following as a small sample of some of the practice areas related to family law”

Marriage and prenuptials

  • Unfortunately, marriage is not all romance and love. You are actually entering into a relationship contract with your future spouse.
  • This entitles both parties of the marriage to certain legal rights and responsibilities.
  • Family lawyers who specialize in marriage law, can write prenuptial agreements for a couple before the marriage.
  • Prenuptial agreements are especially important if one of the parties has a financial interest that they have accrued earlier in life, and wish to clarify assets will or will not be shared with a new spouse.

Charlotte’s top Family Law Attorneys

When it comes to family law, the legal process can seem intimidating and overwhelming. The outcome of your case will have a significant effect on the rest of your life. You need a lawyer who takes this seriously, and who will work diligently for favorable results. You need a Charlotte law firm that has the skills, resources, and knowledge to handle complex legal matters; ranging from criminal defense to family law. Charlotte Family Law Attorneys at Plumides, Romano, Johnson & Cacheris, PC, has a history of serving the community for more than 50 years, and has a reputation for hard work and success. They also handle personal injury and workers’ compensation cases. Call them today to speak to a lawyer that has decades of experience, and who understands how the law applies to your specific situation.