Hiring a Charlotte NC criminal defense lawyer

Best criminal defense attorney in Charlotte NC

Charlotte NC criminal defense lawyer
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If you’ve been arrested or charged with a crime, you should be hiring a Charlotte NC criminal defense lawyer. Criminal defense lawyers are there to help you understand the legal process, and to clarify your rights. A skillful criminal defense attorney makes a huge difference in the outcome, whether the outcome is a reduced plea bargain, a dismissal, or a jail sentence. Consider the following tips for recognizing and hiring the best criminal defense lawyer.

The role of a criminal defense lawyer

  • Criminal defense attorneys handle cases that include misdemeanors, felonies, drug charges, white collar crime, DWI/DUI charges, and any applicable state or federal crimes.
  • When looking for a criminal defense lawyer, concentrate on the lawyer’s expertise, skill level, and knowledge.
  • It is important that the attorney you hire has the necessary skills needed to defend your case.
  • You will need an attorney who is familiar with crime scene investigations, witness/victim/police interviewing, and who has extensive knowledge of police procedures.
  • Criminal laws and penalties vary by state; it is important that the attorney have experience with North Carolina courts.

Charlotte’s top Family Law Attorneys

Now that you recognize what a good DUI/DWI lawyer can do for you, reach out to one today for a consultation. The legal process can seem intimidating and overwhelming, but the outcome of your case will have a significant effect on the rest of your life. You need a lawyer who takes this seriously. You need a Charlotte law firm that has the skills, resources, and knowledge to handle complex legal matters; ranging from criminal defense to family law. Charlotte Family Law Attorneys at Plumides, Romano, Johnson & Cacheris, PC, has a history of serving the community for more than 50 years, and has a reputation for hard work and success. They also handle personal injury and workers’ compensation cases. Call them today to speak to a lawyer that has decades of experience, and who understands how the DUI laws apply to your specific situation.